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Aircraft Search
:: Results 91 - 120 of 171

Model  Shown in ascending order Type Registration # Airline/Operator
MD-80 82 I-DAWE Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWI Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWO Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWU Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWB Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWD Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWF Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWG Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAWH Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWJ Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAWL Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAWM Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAWP Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWQ Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAWR Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAWS Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAWT Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAWV Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVA Alitalia
MD-80 82 There are photos of this aircraftI-DAVB Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVD Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVH Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVJ Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVM Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVN Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVP Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVR Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVS Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVT Alitalia
MD-80 82 I-DAVU Alitalia
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