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Eva Air

Like a majestic bird, the Evergreen Group has taken flight. It stepped from the seas to land. Then, with EVA Air as the embodiment of the best of this great transportation heritage, it soared into the wide-open skies.

The Evergreen Group steadily transformed itself as a transportation giant on the world stage. From the wellspring of its Taiwanese heritage, it built on strengths of its culture and created "EVA Air - the Wings of Taiwan".

Information obtained from Eva Air. For more information, please contact the airline or surf to their website at the Homepage address below.

Eva Air logo

Based: Taiwan
Homepage: www.evaair.com
:: Fleet (51)

1 x Airbus A320
10 x Airbus A330
19 x Boeing 747
8 x Boeing 767
1 x Boeing 777
3 x MD-11
9 x MD-11F

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