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Air France

Air France, today...
One of the world's leading airlines

3rd worldwide in international passenger transport
4th worldwide in international air freight
2nd-ranking aircraft maintenance provider

Key Figures

Fleet stood at 373 aircraft at 31 December 2002
Over 1,700 daily flights
43.3 million passengers flew on flights operated by Air France in fiscal 2001-02
More than 200 destinations in 83 countries

Information obtained from Air France. For more information, please contact the airline or surf to their website at the Homepage address below.

Air France logo

Based: France
Homepage: www.airfrance.com
:: Fleet (324)

7 x Aerospatiale-BAC Concorde
7 x Airbus A300
4 x Airbus A310
11 x Airbus A318
41 x Airbus A319
72 x Airbus A320
15 x Airbus A321
13 x Airbus A330
20 x Airbus A340
1 x Airbus A380
4 x BAE 146
7 x Boeing 727
32 x Boeing 737
54 x Boeing 747
3 x Boeing 767
28 x Boeing 777
1 x Embraer EMB
2 x Embraer ERJ
2 x Fokker 70

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