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Continental Airlines

In July 1999, Continental celebrated its 65th Anniversary. Once known as "The Proud Bird With The Golden Tail," Continental boasts a long and distinctive history that began on July 15, 1934 with single-engine Lockheed aircraft on dusty runways in the American Southwest.

Continental relocated its headquarters to Houston, Texas, in October 1982 after merging with Texas International.

Information obtained from Continental Airlines. For more information, please contact the airline or surf to their website at the Homepage address below.

Continental Airlines logo

Based: USA
Homepage: www.continental.com
:: Fleet (522)

3 x Airbus A300
41 x Boeing 727
283 x Boeing 737
6 x Boeing 747
46 x Boeing 757
26 x Boeing 767
19 x Boeing 777
27 x MD DC-10
9 x MD DC-9
62 x MD-80

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